Five Workouts for Body and Mind
Different fun ways to take care of your body and boost the release of endorphin into the blood.
I Find Peace Like This
Different fun ways to take care of your body and boost the release of endorphin into the blood.
How much quality time do you usually spend with yourself? Have you ever found yourself postponing any personal activity, just because you had something urgent come up, but still find the strength to always be there for yourself?
What keeps us from being happy and where is the happiness we have always been looking for?
You know how grown-ups like to say they miss their childhood? Well, don’t believe them adulthood sucks. Adulthood is awesome. Have you heard this joke from ALF: “You don’t like cats? You just don’t know how to cook them.” Well, I just want to say: “You don’t like adult life? Maybe you are not sure about how to live it?”
What do people do when they need to build a house? They buy land and cut down all the plants that are on their way to make an empty space. What do I do when I start cooking? I clean everything off the kitchen table to make space for cutting boards and veggies. What do you do when you want to fall in love? You empty your heart from the previous lover to open it to a new experience.
With the pace of life speeding up every day, we really like the word “productive”. We prefer to be productive in everything, including our weekends, our private life. If you think about it, do we really need to “produce” so much?
Loving is the best action we can take in life. Love is directly opposite to fear, and when we choose to love, this helps us get rid of our fears. Place little reminders of love in your life and you will transform yourself from the inside and others will follow.
Don’t you just love those days when you feel like you have grown wings and you are hopping around between different tasks, having perfect concentration and completing everything in no time? And you don’t just stop when you get off from work, but continue finishing the month’s long To Do list of your household chores, doing exercise and being excited and happy?
How can you make each day of your life be this lively and energetic?
I am sitting motionless in the middle of nowhere. It seems that I have no body, I am just an embryo still attached to the Universe by an invisible cord. I am embraced by silence and emptiness, floating in the dark peaceful ocean.