Meditation made me see life with new eyes.

Meditation made me see life with new eyes.

My common path with Peace Revolution started a couple of years ago, at a moment I was feeling fairly lost and undecided about my future. My mind was envisioning a thousand plans, jumping from one to another before even getting halfway through the first one. It was a rather exhausting process, but somehow I was not able to push the break and detach myself from all the uncertainties and worries looming above me.

My peace mission around Africa – a lifetime experience.

My peace mission around Africa – a lifetime experience.


It is in the human nature to always seek comfort and happiness, to dream and envisage the future with serenity or anxiety as well as always remain attached to the past to assure his or her identity. That nature almost every human being keeps filling out every day makes our mind to being permanently avoiding the present moment, yet the present moment is certainly important as it is the crucible in which our whole life unfolds.

Meditation, not as a task but as a need.

Meditation, not as a task but as a need.

One of my friends asked me to take a look at the peace revolution web page, as a new thing it made me curious. I registered and watched the first video and answered the questions carefully. I went to my friend, who introduced me this website, and I asked a lot of questions about what I should do. Did as I’ve been told to and I was somehow happy about it. I was on my twenty-seventh session when I got Mena Salam III fellowship mail. I applied for it.

“Out of this world” into my life.

“Out of this world” into my life.

In the early 90’s, when I was a kid, there was a TV show called “Out of this world”. It was a young teenager named Evie who finds out that her father is from a different planet and because of that she has superpowers. Well, actually, just one. An amazing one! Evie is able to stop time. She touches the tips of her index fingers and everything around her freezes. She could then ignore her mom’s scolding, get some extra time to check her history book before answering her teacher or even give herself an extra minute gazing at her crush passing by in the hall.



The 21st Century is the fastest and very competitive. Millions of people get through yet billions stuck. The minority who wins believes in YES and the majority who always lose sit in NO. This is simultaneously happening to make the world go round. You cannot sit in the comfort zone while everything change is so fast. We moved from analog to digital, typewriter to the computer and so many changes over decades.



Kendini ve evreni merak eden herkesin yolu meditasyonda buluşabilir.

27-31 Mayıs tarihlerinde Fethiye de bulunan Pastoral Vadi de gerçekleşen Thailand merkezli Peace Revolution‘ın, MENA Salam Barış Buluşması na 21 günlük bir online eğitim ve mülakat sonunda katılma şansım oldu. Bu etkinlik ile ilgili izlenim ve hislerimi yazmamın birçok insana iç huzur ve barış dolu bir hayatı sürme konusunda fikir sağlayacağını düşündüğüm için paylaşmaya karar verdim.