My Loving-Kindness Meditation

My Loving-Kindness Meditation

Many of the Peace Revolution guided sessions finish with a loving-kindness meditation. I feel happy and silently excited during this moment. The idea is to garner enough peace energy to share the love, joy, kindness with communities and the greater world. Practicing loving-kindness makes a person open to use it on a daily basis in real life, be kinder, more mindful, in the everyday human interactions.

PIPO planning trip in Bhutan

Partners in PIPO Crime

One evening in Mooktawan, we were watching a video of Peace In Peace Out (PIPO) event in Africa. Just when the screen showed a monk sitting on the beach, he exclaimed – “THAT could be Cox’s Bazar!” Thus was Carsten’s vision and very soon he convinced me to have the same dream – to bring Peace Revolution to Bangladesh. And we did it! Three months later, crossing many obstacles, we co-created some meditation events to spread the message of mindfulness in our networks in Bangladesh.

Peace In, Peace Out in Bangladesh with South Asian Youth Society

Peace In, Peace Out in Bangladesh with South Asian Youth Society

They say “you cannot find peace in Google as peace is inside”. Once we have established peace within ourselves we can spread it to our surroundings. This is the premise behind the inner peace workshop arranged by South Asian Youth Society (SAYS) on 2nd of October 2014 at the EMK Center, Dhaka. The event Peace In, Peace Out was a unique initiative by any youth group in Bangladesh as it incorporated lectures and guided meditation as a means to cultivate inner peace.