How meditation saved my life!

How meditation saved my life!

One year ago I was a totally different person, who was easily affected by her environment. I let myself absorb everything that was surrounding me, both the bad and the good. And I kept telling myself that it was all that makes us Human until I discovered meditation and started to meditate. I can say that it has literally saved my life!

Find your meaning by breathing.

Find your meaning by breathing.

Does your life have meaning?

If you are anything like me then you try to distract yourself (which is made easier with social media) whenever this question to mind. It’s easier to watch cat videos than have the ‘talk’ with ourselves. It’s similar to the performance evaluation with your boss except that it’s not compulsory and you can get by (not live to the fullest) without it.

My Loving-Kindness Meditation

My Loving-Kindness Meditation

Many of the Peace Revolution guided sessions finish with a loving-kindness meditation. I feel happy and silently excited during this moment. The idea is to garner enough peace energy to share the love, joy, kindness with communities and the greater world. Practicing loving-kindness makes a person open to use it on a daily basis in real life, be kinder, more mindful, in the everyday human interactions.