How to Make Your Exercise Regular
We all know doing sports is good for us. Yet, many of us are lazy to do it. How to overcome laziness and create a discipline of regular workouts?
I Find Peace Like This
We all know doing sports is good for us. Yet, many of us are lazy to do it. How to overcome laziness and create a discipline of regular workouts?
Are you looking for a good exercise to energize yourself in the morning and to start off the day with a smile on your face? Tibetan rites are five simple exercises that take around 15 minutes, be sure this little workout will totally change your mornings!
I have to confess I have been on a journey of self search and self realization for some time now. It started and is still unfolding as a gradual awakening- mostly to reality, of becoming a little more conscious of aspects of myself, of how all is interconnected and one does not live as an isolated self sufficient cell. It started as a quest journey of inner peace and in recent years it began to manifest more on the outside.
“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.” Dalai Lama
This year started with the plan to volunteer 3 months in Thailand at Peace Revolution HQ’s office. What it started as 3 months has became the whole year traveling and learning things, that’s why i took inspiration to write 12 things to stay more on the present moment and live happier than before.
Currently, advances in medicine, using technologies and scientific progresses in the treatment of diseases, have achieved an increase in the world population life expectancy. Nonetheless, mental health is still a pending task, screaming for our attention, especially considering that an altered mind is the main cause of death and incapacity: murders, suicide, car accidents and psychiatric illness, are daily news.
Different fun ways to take care of your body and boost the release of endorphin into the blood.
What comes up for you when you think about your artistic side? Creativity, imagination, spontaneity, innovation and originality sound like appropriate synonyms. Self-discipline, on the other hand, is more associated with control, rigidity, routine. If you were to choose, what would you go for?
If you are a human being who has had a fair share of life experience, chances are you’ve already been through a rich range of emotions. From joy and utter happiness to sadness and frustration, we have access to feeling this wide palette of emotions.
Minds practicing creativity have changed the way we live and experience the world. Without them, it would not be possible to sit down in a warm place reading these words that a person from another part of the world wrote. For creativity, there is no limit. If we want to live in a better world, we can do it!