Research Shows That You May Need A Holiday Soon
Peter is in the office with Talia finishing up on his work. Both of them are expatriates mostly travelling through several countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. They are working on huge emerging projects that involve several people, and reports can be frustrating. Actually travelling, as cool as it may sound, ceased to be […]
How to Use The Two Sides of the Brain to Experience More Happiness?
Have you ever wondered which side of the brain you are using more? Are you working with halves or operating from a place of wholesomeness making use of all your abilities? Studies and popular theories tend to generalise and divide people into 2 groups: those who use the left side of the brain and those who […]
Can We Train Our Brain for More Empathy and Compassion?
We often hear that we have come to this world only to fight for our own interests and individual survival. But is this true or could it be possible that as human beings we have the compassion that moves us to worry about others as an instinctive characteristic? These are the questions widely discussed in […]
Fulfilling Changes to Improve Your Lifestyle
What does it mean to feel fulfilled? For each person, the answer may be different. You might not find a specific “answer” at all, or it may be fleeting, changing often, or stemming from some unknown source. However, there are small adjustments you can make to your behaviour and the way you interact with the […]
Change Your Fixed Mindset to Access Your Hidden Potential Within
It’s a shame to say that the majority of people living in the modern world have a fixed mindset. By this, I mean that you, as an individual, believe that you have what you’re born with and you are who you are. Some might say that your fate has been decided and life is what it […]
4 Ways You Can Use Inner Peace for Sustainability
Climate change is rapidly becoming a big problem of our time. It creates and exposes vast inequalities, and it also threatens the delicate physical conditions needed for life to flourish. For peace and harmony to thrive on Earth, we must address the impact we’re having on the only home we’ve ever known. But how? Climate […]
Cómo cultivar el mindfulness
Minfulness se ha convertido un término de moda de un tiempo a esta parte. Sin embargo, en muchas ocasiones se malinterpreta y desconoce su verdadero significado, más aún cuando se aplica en el contexto de la meditación. Hay estados mentales, sensaciones o sentimientos que en ocasiones son difíciles de describir, y que algunas lenguas han […]
Why I Love Meditation Retreats
If you are one of those people (just like me) who always seek for something else than just relaxing holidays far away from daily routine, then you should consider this kind of retreat. Not only will you enjoy cosy accommodation, beautiful surroundings and delicious healthy food, but also precious time to have a real encounter with […]
Une rencontre avec soi-même
Vous avez sûrement vécu ces instants où l’on a tellement essayé, tellement pensé qu’on ne sait plus à quel Saint se vouer ; ces moments de lassitudes où l’on ne sait plus ce qu’on a mal fait pour autant tourner en rond ; ces moments où l’on a juste envie de tout abandonner, parce qu’à côté nos […]
Tips for a More Mindful Pregnancy
There’s a saying that giving birth is the most creative aspect of life. By giving birth, people create new beings and that is undoubtedly one of the greatest and hardest decisions one can make. Women have been involved in pregnancy since the beginning of life. In the past, it was simply one of the jobs […]