Inner Peace sessions in BURUNDI

As a Republic, Burundi’s current president Pierre Nkurunziza started his third mandate in August 2015. Ever since he declared that he would run for a third term on 26 April 2015, which some claim to be unconstitutional, the country has found itself in a political turmoil with violent protests leading to about 240,000 (registered) refugees, […]

The value of a retreat in your life

From the older days when chivalry and courage meant going to to war and mightiest slaying their opponents, retreats meant more than defeat. Those were the deadliest of all times and often the head of a military unit, often called the military commander, when he deemed fit, would command his soldiers to retreat.

Community theater and peace dialogue

Cambodia has experienced long lasting devastating civil war, especially, the terrible blow of genocide during the Khmer rouge regime, 1975-1979. Thus, Youth For Peace Organization (YFP) have designed a project to bring a play called “The courageous turtle” to show to Cambodian youth in different high schools. This is an attempt to  raise the awareness […]


El día estaba nublado y los ojos de Lucila Voloschin tenían un color sin nombre. Pero más indescifrable que su color era esa especie de brillo, como si una luz se le hubiese prendido desde adentro y a través de su mirada pudiera vislumbrar un reflejo.

Meditation Advice from #meditationweek Winners

From 23 to 28 of February Peace Revolution held a #meditationweek on Facebook and Instagram. Each day was dedicated to a new topic connected to meditation, and the participants were asked to share their photos and thoughts on the topic. Today we are proud to announce the winners of the #meditationweek and to share their […]

Asia Pacific University Empowerment Camp

On 1-7 of March 2016, World Peace Initiative held APU Empowerment camp for the students of Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University from Beppu, Japan. There were 17 participants from 10 countries of the region, and all of them have learnt from the experience, enjoyed it in their own way and became a great team of peace builders.