Una oportunidad, un cambio de perspectiva
¿ Alguna vez te pasó que sientes que necesitas un stop? ¿ Te sueles prometer un momento para ti, para estar tranquila, pero te cuesta lograrlo? ¿Quieres saber como puedes “parar” todos los días sin necesidad de realizar alguna actividad extraordinaria o tener que hacer todo un plan para llevarlo a cabo? Pues si tu […]
What makes love go and how to bring it back?
It is not an exaggeration to say that love is something everyone is after. From the day we are born, we crave it as the primary source of happiness and contentment. This deep intimate connection with another person unlocks some sort of an extra dimension within us. We suddenly and naturally become a better version […]
How the death of work can bring a new life
Have you ever faced the situation of working for days, weeks, months or even years on something that you love, and then one day it all disappears? All your work is gone, not even because of you, but some external conditions that happened and you were not able to control them. In 2016, I lost […]
The importance of mastering our attention
Ask yourself for a moment: What is the usual focus of your attention? Are you able to direct your attention towards whatever you want? How many times in a day are you looking for distractions and avoid being in the present moment? Do you feel that you are spending more energy in trying to change […]
Should happiness be searched or can we start shining today?
The search for happiness becomes often sought question these days. Even though we may slowly drift away from material things as a source of happiness and direct the search inwards, we still tend to think of searching as an active process, where we involve our energy and efforts and have an aim to find something. […]
A pintura intuitiva como caminho para a conexão com o Ser – PARTE 1
Sempre gostei de pintar. Lembro de pegar pela primeira vez nos pinceis e pintar numa tela em branco quando tinha apenas 11 anos. Se bem nunca estudei arte ou fiz um curso de pintura (eu estudei biologia), pintar sempre foi uma paixão à qual voltei sempre que precisei me expressar ou acalmar emocionalmente. Em algum […]
The Five Moral Codes of Buddhism
The five moral codes of Buddhism or commonly known as the five acts of self-discipline in the online self-development programme of Peace Revolution, are originally labelled as the most important pillars for Buddhists with regards to morality. They are standard and simple codes of ethics and principles to be followed by Buddhists in their journey […]
Life on the Road: reflections on unconventional travel
This post was first published on Adventures of Mike in 2018. “Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us, or we find it not.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson, Emerson’s Essays I begin with these words from Emerson because they capture one of the great paradoxes and contradictions of travel […]
Comparing will never tell who you are
“Worry is praying for what you don’t want”. Bruce Lipton We often hear that the right answers and a true happiness come from inside. At the same time, as members of a community, a group, or a family we are constantly exposed to interactions and relationships. Hence, we often compare ourselves with others to get a […]
How to love what you don’t like?
To be able to love is to be able to live a fulfilled life. This capacity is inside every single human being. Rejecting it is like throwing our most precious jewel to the floor and living below our maximum potential of development. Why then do we still don’t want to love certain things? Two possible […]