El impacto real de la paz interior. Parte II: la forma en la que los deseos individuales generan desigualdades sociales
Hablábamos en el anterior post de la necesidad de aprender la diferencia entre necesidades y deseos, porque satisfacer necesidades individuales no afecta a quienes nos rodean, mientras que satisfacer nuestros deseos sí puede afectarles. Pero, ¿de qué manera? Volvamos al paralelismo entre la tarta de chocolate y el mundo con todos sus recursos. Bien sabido […]
يقول الله عز وجل: “لَن تَنَالُوا الْبِرَّ حَتَّىٰ تُنفِقُوا مِمَّا تُحِبُّونَ”. المعطي؛ اسم من أسماء الله الحسنى، ويروى أنّ رسول الله (ص) ما سأله أحد شيئًا إلّا وأعطاه. للعطاء أنواع عدّة، ففي بعض الأحيان يكون المُعطَى علمًا أو مالًا أو جاهًا أو دمًا أو جهدًا أو وقتًا. فالسلوك الإنساني والتعاطف مع الآخر وإعطائه الوقت لسماع شكواه […]
How is an Ego mind a handicap to self-development?
The inner self is part of what we really are, and ego comes in when we fail to see ourselves as whole, fulfilled entity with no separateness. Our cultures, our upbringing, our inherent problems in life make us realize that we do not possess that wholeness, and we tend to maximize the urge to own, […]
NLP and personal development: steps to get what you want
Pessimistic people can have tunnel vision as they tend to focus on one thing, often the problem. Optimism allows the brain to take in more information and process more of your environment. Knowing the basics of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) creates an excellent basis for personal development making it easier for people to change their thoughts […]
La importancia de cambiar narrativas
Hace unas semanas tuve el placer de facilitar un foro organizado por UNOY Peacebuilders, una red a la que World Peace Initiative y Peace Revolution pertenecen y que se dedica a englobar organizaciones formadas por jóvenes y para jóvenes, con el objetivo de trabajar en el activismo de la paz. Se trata de un foro […]
Don’t believe all your thoughts!
What you hope for in life, does it tend to happen? Take a moment to think of your dreams. How much time do you allow for concrete and specific actions and act to make them happen? Living life governed by habits creates comfort, ease and also an autopilot mode decisions. It is when we no […]
Cómo atraer energía de paz a tu vida
Me llevó muchos años encontrar las palabras para definir el estado de felicidad. Creía saber lo que era la felicidad, o quizá lo sabía por descarte por todas las ocasiones en las que no sentía esa sensación de plenitud. Pero quizá no entendí el verdadero significado hasta que empecé a meditar y no solo aprendí […]
The Universal Values Behind Successful People
I grew up watching a lot of successful people on TV. When I entered university, I started working part-time for the hospitality industry where I got to meet many of these people too. It always interested me how they got to be where they were. So on a faithful day, a friend of mine named […]
To Build A Home Within, Chronicles of Four Farangs in Thailand
The International Volunteer Summer Program of Peace Revolution brought together four people from all over the world – Cambodia, Colombia, Sudan, and Bolivia – to live and work at PIPO House, the headquarters of World Peace Initiative Foundation, for three months. These are the chronicles of four farangs (Thai word to refer to foreigners) in […]
Is Self-Blame Safe to our Mind?
Have you ever felt ashamed of something you’ve done to the point of blaming yourself and feeling so much guilt that you tend to hate yourself? Has it ever happened to you to feel so bad on your past events that you have done, which might have brought you pain or failure and caused harm […]