Seven Steps For A Yogi Path
There’s a lot of confusion about yoga these days. For many, it’s just a brand to market their products, or a tool used in social media as a way to get thousands of likes and followers. However, yoga is not only about a perfect headstand pose, or holding your leg behind your neck. The asana […]
Connecting to Inner Peace Through Victoria Falls
As a global traveller, when I reach a destination that ignites my happiness, a rush of inner peace sweeps over me. Such a place is the top of Victoria Falls on the Zambia-Zimbabwe border in Africa. In the dry season, you can literally stand on the edge and watch water from the Zambezi River fall […]
How to Use The Two Sides of the Brain to Experience More Happiness?
Have you ever wondered which side of the brain you are using more? Are you working with halves or operating from a place of wholesomeness making use of all your abilities? Studies and popular theories tend to generalise and divide people into 2 groups: those who use the left side of the brain and those who […]
Are You an Active Listener?
In the field of teaching the second language to kids, there is a criterion called Active Listening. It’s a period of time that the kid doesn’t talk or communicate verbally. He or she just listens, and you are sometimes confused if they get what you teach. In this case, parents and teachers usually become anxious […]
Be The Energy You Want To Attract
There have been times throughout my life when I’ve been asked why I am always in a good mood. I usually smile and first say not to equate being hyper or energetic with being happy. Naturally it got me thinking about the good and the bad in people’s lives, which – depending on your environment […]
Change Your Fixed Mindset to Access Your Hidden Potential Within
It’s a shame to say that the majority of people living in the modern world have a fixed mindset. By this, I mean that you, as an individual, believe that you have what you’re born with and you are who you are. Some might say that your fate has been decided and life is what it […]
The Top 5 Regrets To Avoid for a Happier Life
Have you ever wondered if there is something you could learn in this moment of your life; if there is a source of wisdom you could access by connecting with those who are your seniors that could give you some advice on how to save your time, energy and prevent you from repeating the same mistakes? […]
KereKere, Happiness Is Simple
If someone asked you “Are you happy?”, what would you say? Is it easy or difficult to answer if you are happy? Happiness in Fiji If you lived in Fiji, there is an almost nine-times-out-of-ten chance that you would say ‘yes!’. According to WIN-Gallup, 92% of Fijians report they are happy, making Fiji one of the happiest […]
Peacebuilder Elvis Kumar Awarded at Commonwealth Youth Forum
Elvis Kumar (25), peacebuilder from Fiji was fortunate to be one of the 5 Pacific Regional Finalists at the Commonwealth Youth Forum (CYF) hosted in London from 16th to 18th April. In the Forum, young people who are contributing to peace and security, poverty alleviation, conflict resolution and other areas were brought together for the Commonwealth Youth Awards 2018 under the theme “Towards a Common Future”. […]
Catch The Good Waves In Life
When talking about waves, the first thing that comes to my mind is the ocean. Surfers catch them one after the other and get a short but intense rush after experiencing each ride. They travel the world looking for the best waves that oceans can offer, and take a couple of minutes to enjoy that […]