6 Ways to Boost your Appreciation

In the previous blog, I talked about giving without expectations and how the ego-mind is depending on the outcome of our actions to feel happy. Today I would like to share how our daily practices boost the capacity to appreciate what we already have. First things first… The simplest things can become your greater gifts. Why […]

Change: like it or not, forever necessary

We resist and often resent changes. But change is the key to life, because, despite change being seemingly painful, it’s forever necessary. What I fear, keeps me safe Most of us tend to settle in our comfort zone, we are afraid of the change or something new. We tend to get used to the rut […]

5 Must Have Qualities in a Mind Training Retreat

Hey, are you tired of so many mindfulness retreats available these days offering almost the same things? You may be looking around and not sure which one is better and you may reach a point where you even doubt if its the right thing for you. I am here to make your life easier 🙂 […]

Os dons não existem

O que é dom? Alguém nasce com dom? O dom existe? Para o filósofo Lucien Sève, não. Aprendi sobre o que são dons em dois momentos na minha vida. Primeiramente, na criação que tive, em uma família patriarcal e cristã, aprendi que eu, por desenhar e pintar melhor que meus coleguinhas, tinha um dom. E […]

Personal growth killers and how to avoid them

Personal growth heavily relies on motivation and confidence. Our success is in big part defined by the two. A crucial issue that often impedes us from personal growth is a failure to nurture our motivation and confidence. To develop a stronger personality and to improve your qualities is a profoundly intellectual affair, and is rarely […]

El problema de este apego en meditación, por una Coach


“No siento paz mental”. “Siento que me falta algo, o que no estoy obteniendo lo que debería de la meditación”. “No veo nada durante la sesión”. “No estoy experimentando algo especial o particular”. “He estado meditando regularmente por un tiempo y parece que no estoy avanzando”. “Me siento un poco estancado/estancada”. Con estos comentarios me […]

Understanding the Power of Giving

In this article, I want to share some information about the power of giving without attachment to the final outcome. When our mind is depending on a certain result and we don’t get that result, we tend to feel disappointed and we lose the self-motivation to continue the journey of giving.  Have you ever wondered […]

Bloqueos comunes en la pintura intuitiva y cómo superarlos

En la primera parte de este artículo, comenté sobre la pintura intuitiva como una práctica transformadora y liberadora que permite desarrollar la atención plena y conectarse con su fuente creativa interna. En esta segunda entrega, compartiré sobre dos de los obstáculos más importantes que enfrentamos en este proceso y cómo superarlos. 1) El miedo al […]

Care what other people think and you will always be a prisoner

Nothing can be more time and energy-wasting than being overly concerned about what other people think of us, a self-created prison where everyone can go in, or be liberated from it. There is nothing wrong in wanting others to like us or to think well of us, but it should not be done at the […]

How to embrace your fears?

Most of us come to the point in our lives when we need to face our fears.  Even though some may not feel comfortable with that, it is actually a good thing, TO FEAR. Why? Because it is an indication that there is something greater or bigger than us. No matter how overwhelming it may […]