Do I See Myself From The Right Angle?

Do I See Myself From The Right Angle?

How to stand your ground when you feel you have lost yourself?

Or when you are sitting and wandering why this is happening to me, why I can’t be free from the pestering thoughts. Let’s all take a deep breath and a step backward!

When we are sitting too close, we often can’t see the whole picture. Some aspects can be seen and understood only from the right angle. Same as in Hans Holbein’s anamorphosis* The Ambassadors (1533).

Hans Holbein the Younger, The Ambassadors. Photo source:

Meditation often inspires positive traits such as focus, clarity, willpower, empowerment and deep trust in individual capabilities and success towards what we commit to. How understanding ourselves goes hand in hand with the right type of meditation?

Through our lives, even in the course of a single day things can change and a person can go through a wide range of emotions. Meditation helps see more clearly and identify the dominant traits we are aware of. The ability to put a label on how we feel is empowering. The complicated mind can find comfort when it’s able to recognise itself.

Finding the right word and recommended meditation technique is validating and helps feel cool and collected. Here are some traits and the corresponding meditation technique that is recommended when we experience a certain kind of mind:

  • An indulgent mind – is helped by the recollection of the body, starting the meditation in the body
  • An irritable mind – by practicing loving kindness meditation
  • An oblivious mind – relying on the breath helps
  • A doubtful mind – relying on the breath
  • A susceptible mind – can go back to being at peace with the exercise of making a reflection of values
  • A questioning mind – the recollection of peace is more than reassuring

The above is just a quick mapping, try not to get too caught up in the technique and enjoy the process.

“Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles. It takes away today’s peace.” Randy Armstrong

*anammorphosis – a distorted projection or drawing which appears normal when viewed from a particular point or with a suitable mirror or lens.

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