Positive Morning Habits to Get Your Day off to a Great Start

morning habits

To get your day off to a great start every day, you can adopt some habits or rituals that will assist you in achieving this goal. As long as you’re devoted to becoming the best version of yourself, these habits don’t have to be long, complicated, or expensive. It doesn’t have to be the same […]

Meditation for people with learning disabilities

When I started working in Camphill, a community of adults with learning disabilities, I could not imagine that the residents would ask me to do meditation twice a day. However, it took me a while to find out the right way for engaging them in meditation. I first tried to impart the style of meditation […]

Íñigo reflexionó sobre su trabajo

Primero, en el pasado he trabajado de albañil, labores agrarias, monitor de gimnasio y Pilates, vendedor en mercados ambulantes, au pair, camarero, etc. De otra parte, he pasado más de seis años en los RRHH y la Formación/Educación, he vivido por trabajo en España, Inglaterra, e Indonesia. De hecho, por razones laborales he viajado y […]

The spiritual roots of yoga

From children to elders, atheists to spiritual seekers and Indian saddhus to Western businessmen; in recent decades, yoga has gathered practitioners from all over the world regardless their age, nationality, religion, and background. While some prefer to practice yoga as a sport, others also want to drink from the spiritual source of this ancient Eastern […]

Mental health: an important element in our life

In our daily life, we prioritize many important things in order to meet the goals and dreams that we want to achieve. Among the important things are finishing work assignments, meeting our friends and lastly, taking care of our physical well-being. In fact, we often keep forgetting an important part of ourselves, which is the […]

Being selfless: a direct way to fulfillment

In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says to Arjuna: ‘By devotion to selfless work one attains the supreme goal in life’. Give yourself a moment to think about this. Then ask yourself: when was the last time you did not expected anything from your actions? Can you recall the last time you have done something only […]

4 Fun Activities That Can Help Boost Your Focus

It is impossible to be focused all of the time, and as humans, we are expected to lose our concentration from time to time. All you can do is learn how to expand the amount of time you spend focusing on a task, as well as how to refocus once you have lost your concentration. […]

5 ways meditation increases your productivity

Meditation is both a skill and an art. It has been proved to create new neuro connections and pathways in a person’s brain. All these new ways of thinking or looking at the world are being reflected in particular behaviors. You are capable of achieving more in less time; learning how to master focus and […]

3 Ways to Combat a Sedentary Lifestyle

Over the past year, the COVID19 pandemic has made it harder for people to stay active. With most of us spending more time than usual at home and gyms and fitness centers closed or operating on a limited capacity in order to slow the spread of the virus, it can often feel like our lifestyles […]