Embracing Life’s Fleeting Nature: how to make peace with impermanence?

In a world that often teaches us to long for stability, permanence, and control, it can be hard to accept the truth that nothing lasts forever. From our relationships and careers to our thoughts and emotions, everything is in a constant state of change. In many philosophical and spiritual traditions, particularly in Buddhism, impermanence is […]

The Five Moral Codes of Buddhism

The five moral codes of Buddhism or commonly known as the five acts of self-discipline in the online self-development programme of Peace Revolution, are originally labelled as the most important pillars for Buddhists with regards to morality. They are standard and simple codes of ethics and principles to be followed by Buddhists in their journey […]

Apply for South East Europe Peace Summit!

World Peace Initiative is delighted to present the South East Europe (SEE) Peace Summit. SEE Peace Summit will take place on December 15-18, 2016 in Tirana, Albania and its goal is to introduce inner peace as a tool for active peace building in the region of Balkans and Europe as a whole. The Summit will include engaging activities, […]