Le Pouvoir Du Silence
Parler est une faculté naturelle à moins d’avoir un handicap qui nous prive de notre usage de la parole. Parler aide énormément dans le développement des relations avec les autres. Cependant, il existe un atout plus fort que la parole. Dans certaines situations de la vie, il est conseillé de garder le silence plutôt que […]
Emotional Intelligence: a secret to happiness
One of the precious gifts a human being can have is the ability to have a strong willpower to love, care and accept situations as they come without questioning why they seem the way they are. It is something agreeable, and no doubt, our natural well-being can succumb to emotional ups and downs, showing different […]
Are You an Active Listener?
In the field of teaching the second language to kids, there is a criterion called Active Listening. It’s a period of time that the kid doesn’t talk or communicate verbally. He or she just listens, and you are sometimes confused if they get what you teach. In this case, parents and teachers usually become anxious […]
Comment créer et entretenir de saines relations avec les autres?
Nous avons besoin d’un climat de confiance dans nos différentes interactions. Ce climat est garanti par la qualité de nos relations avec les autres. Plus nos relations avec les autres sont saines, plus cela influence sur notre façon de voir le monde et d’agir. Comment donc créer une relation saine avec les autres? Cet article […]
How to Become a Mindful Listener (and Avoid Giving Advice All the Time)
For some period of my life I have believed that one of my best qualities is being able to always give advice to people. I considered that my judgement and empathy were remarkable, and therefore, my advice was so valuable and helpful to everyone.