These 5 Factors Impact Confidence
The way you engage with the world affects how the world treats you. Developing a strong sense of self and feeling good about who you are gives you the wherewithal to withstand outside influences and face life on your terms. What are the factors that affect self-confidence, and how can you develop them? While some […]
3 Ways How Meditation Will Change Your Life
So right now, you may be thinking of a guy with long hair and flip flops sitting cross legged underneath a tree. Or at least that’s what I thought when I first heard the word ‘meditation’. To me, I didn’t need it, there was just so much else going on. I mean who has the […]
Low Self-Esteem: A Handicap to our Mind’s Stillness?
Self-esteem is a healthy state of mind, whereby we value the person we are and the activities that we do; we cherish and positively view ourselves as normal and capable. It confers a good self-image and allows to lead a happy life, free from self-blame and hate or feeling of anger and frustration about who […]
You’re Good Enough, And Always Have Been
If you’ve ever struggled or still struggle with loving yourself, know that you are not alone. And more importantly, know that there’s nothing wrong with you for feeling this way. In a world full of pressures and expectations, it is easy to feel less than. It is easy to compare ourselves to others or seek […]
Raising Happy Kids – How To Foster Inner Happiness, Inner Peace, And Confidence
Parenting kids nowadays is a herculean task, considering that the coming generation is niftier, more well-informed and have a cascade of information and communication available to them from around the world.
3 Ways Meditation Boosts Confidence
“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profundity. Kindness in giving creates love.” Lao Tzu
How Meditation Helped Me to Be Confident
Don’t you think that many people face stressful lives? We’re always worried about something. Work, studies, family, relationships… there are many different things that trigger our anxiety levels. Being always worried about so many issues can make us be even more susceptible to the less-meaningful-everyday-problems. And we finally end up stressed because of everything, and […]