Have you ever wondered about evolution?

Have you ever wondered about evolution? If after reading this, you find yourself reflecting and thinking. Good. – As science says, from the beginning of existence, evolution drove the evolving of all sentient and non-sentient beings up to nowadays, where we humans, can develop a high level of consciousness about ourselves. Furthermore, due to that, […]

What makes love go and how to bring it back?

It is not an exaggeration to say that love is something everyone is after. From the day we are born, we crave it as the primary source of happiness and contentment. This deep intimate connection with another person unlocks some sort of an extra dimension within us. We suddenly and naturally become a better version […]

Can We Train Our Brain for More Empathy and Compassion?

We often hear that we have come to this world only to fight for our own interests and individual survival. But is this true or could it be possible that as human beings we have the compassion that moves us to worry about others as an instinctive characteristic? These are the questions widely discussed in […]

Confort ¿para qué te quiero?

Puede que a muchos nos atraigan las aventuras, sin embargo, pocos se dan cuenta que embarcarse en una aventura no es solo una oportunidad para vivir la vida al máximo, descubrir un universo entero cada vez y disfrutar de todo tipo de experiencias. También significa tener que sacrificar muchas cosas, o esencialmente una que las comprende […]