How can meditation benefit your 5 senses?
When was the last time you enjoyed a meal alone without an electrical gadget by your side? When was the last time you went to sleep without your cellphone? When was the last time you listened to your 5 senses? For me personally, it’s been a long while now. I can’t nearly imagine eating or […]
Can Trees and Animals Show Empathy and Altruism?
Empathy is a genuine part of our own nature. Moreover, we can improve this quality by training our brain through the practice of focused meditation, mindfulness and loving kindness. But, are humans the only beings capable of showing these positive traits of kindness, compassion and empathy towards our fellows? What about other living beings, like […]
Developing a Bullet Proof Mind Through Cameroon Crisis
What do you do when your hometown has become a place of constant chaos? Sometimes the first thought is to run away. But running to where? We can’t control everything that happens externally but the one thing we can control is our mind. How we react to situations depends on the quality of our mind. I […]
حكايتي مع التأمل
بداية قصتي مع التأمل التأمل كلمة تحمل الكثير من المعاني لأن لكل واحد تجربته. وهذه التجربة تجعله يتبنى تعريفًا معينًا أوأن يخلق تعريفًا جديدًا.تجربتي الأولى مع التأمل كانت في ربيع 2015 عندما كنت في نيبال لدراسة اليوغا. كان المدرب يبتدئ حصص الرياضة بالتأمل. وحينها قمنا بتجربة تقنيات التخيل والابتهال والنيدرا (يوغا النوم) وفحص الجسد. دائمًا […]
Life-changing Scholarship Opportunities in Thailand
Just like those unexpected and wonderful things that happen in life, my cousin suggested me I take a look at an article. It was entitled “The Most exotic Scholarships of the World.” She emphasized that I was probably the only person she knew who would be interested in those kind of weird things. By weird, […]
How To Sit During Meditation?
Meditation posture is very important; it is the first thing that I teach when explaining meditation to the people in my workshops. What is the right way to sit when you meditate and is there a right way? Below are some tips on your posture that will make meditation pleasant and lasting. Back straight Many […]
How Meditation Helped Thai Boys Survive in the Cave
How could meditation help when you are trapped in a cave and may think you are about to die? We’ve heard the story of 12 Thai boys and their football coach who were rescued from a flooded cave in Northern Thailand after spending there almost 10 days. In order to survive, they were guided into […]
La magie de l’expérience de la méditation
La première fois que je l’ai réellement expérimenté, c’était avec l’un des Peace Architect du World Peace Initiative. A l’époque, il m’avait conviée à l’une de ses séances en groupe qui devait se tenir à Porto-Novo. J’ai essayé, j’ai découvert la méditation, une vraie magie. Je vous épargne les détails. J’en suis tombée amoureuse: pas […]
Seven Steps For A Yogi Path
There’s a lot of confusion about yoga these days. For many, it’s just a brand to market their products, or a tool used in social media as a way to get thousands of likes and followers. However, yoga is not only about a perfect headstand pose, or holding your leg behind your neck. The asana […]
Can We Train Our Brain for More Empathy and Compassion?
We often hear that we have come to this world only to fight for our own interests and individual survival. But is this true or could it be possible that as human beings we have the compassion that moves us to worry about others as an instinctive characteristic? These are the questions widely discussed in […]