Morning Rituals To Start Your Day
Have you ever felt anxious in the morning? Have you woken up in a rush, and started hurrying from the very first minute of the day? How about changing your morning habits to allow yourself enjoy the mornings and feel grounded for the day to come? Welcome to morning rituals!
Why To Study Peace?
As a Peruvian, all my life I have heard a lot of people referring to my country as “underdeveloped”, and I have always asked myself: in what way are we “underdeveloped”? I love and appreciate my country for many reasons, such as our spirituality, our strong connection with the land, our knowledge of a large […]
Who Are You When Things Change?
On staying sane in times of change. Part I. Although we live our lives with a considerable degree of certainty regarding of who we are and the roles we play in our family and society, there are moments in which our own self seems foreign to us. We either feel that we have kind of […]
Embracing Obstacles in Meditation and Spiritual Path
What happens if we understand obstacles as an essential part of our spiritual path? Then, how to learn to forgive if nobody hurts us? How to love even the “enemy” if we did not meet it yet? How to practice acceptance if everything seems so easy in life? The ones that are in this path know that […]
5 Ways Nature Can Heal You
Have you ever felt that everything is out of order and you need some time off? Time off from work, studies, family, just some time to be on your own and enjoy. This is the moment when it’s good to spend some time in natural environment and get back to the same rhythm with the […]
How To Improve Life With Dreams and Goals
Dreams and goals are what makes life better. The relationship between dreams and goals have been the concern of many scholars for ages. Still, many people fail to make their dreams come true and stay focused on their goals. In addition, most people are running after money or funds to sustain their dreams and goals. Why […]
Peace In Peace Out Europe Tour
Peace In Peace Out Europe Tour is a number of inspiring workshops and lectures in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Latvia. The speaker is Venerable Teaching Monk John Paramai. Peace In + Peace Out = Sustainable World PeacePeace In + Peace Out = Sustainable World Peace. Agenda: BELGIUM 16/10 – Leuven – Sancta Maria High […]
3 Steps Towards Knowing Oneself For A Successful Life
As human beings, we like to achieve good things for ourselves and for people whom we love. Many people appreciate success through their personal properties: number of cars, luxurious house, clothes, money and even becoming a celebrity. But in the course of a lifetime, we may fail to reach the complete attainment of our projects, […]
Integrating Mindfulness meditation into daily life
Meditation is good. Actually great! Here are 76 scientifically proven benefits that you may not be aware of; not to mention the ones that you feel when you close your eyes right now and suddenly feel blissful and relaxed! It does not stop at the cushion or yoga mat in the morning or evenings! Think […]
How Can Inner Power Lead To A Successful Life?
Most of the people in the world are in a quest for a happy life, freedom and security. The search of happiness and successful life is therefore one of the common goals to everyone. How to acquire this happiness and how to enjoy life in freedom and security? Read further to find out one of the […]