More Patience through Meditation?

“There is more to life than increasing its speed,” noticed Mahatma Gandhi. Meditation shares a profound understanding of how patience disseminates on an individual level and how it also intertwines human interactions.

Meditate to Improve Memory

“Mindfulness meditation has been reported to enhance numerous mental abilities, including rapid memory recall,” says Catherine Kerr of the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging and the Osher Research Center, Harvard Medical School (HMS).

Four Ways Meditation Improves Concentration

Peace Revolution Mindfulness & Meditation event in Guatemala

Concentration is giving your undivided attention to something while attention span is the amount of time an individual can remain focused on a task without becoming distracted. And guess what? Recent statistics confirm that, on average, a goldfish has a higher attention span than you. Here are four ways that can help you increase your […]

Coaching as Lifestyle

As Peace Coaches, we believe individuals are naturally resourceful, creative and whole. The Coach trusts that the Peace Rebel has all they need to find their path, answers and to trust the experience of self-development.

Meditation Impacts Personal Performance

Inner Peace Time

Practising meditation on a regular basis has the power to transform your life in all its dimensions. Since all aspects of life are interlinked, it will become more obvious how improving one will impact the others aspects of your life: becoming a better individual equals becoming a more empowering friend, a more determined professional, a […]

The Gift of Gratitude for Peace Revolution’s Trip to Grenade

It was a deep honour to have Ilse and Raku from Peace Revolution visit our community and share with us ways to manage stress through guided meditation.  I believe many of us found a sense of peace within ourselves; a quietness; a feeling of ease to simply be present and still. Sadly these feelings are often […]