The Power of Positive Thinking

The Power of Positive Thinking

“Our happiness depends on the habit of mind we cultivate,” as Norman Vincent Peale emphasises in “The Power of Positive Thinking”. Ask yourself what is positive thinking? Write it down.

Learning the Real Needs of People in Life

Compassion kids

I was born in the 80s. That generation who grew up at the same time that communication technology was developing at full speed. As we were getting older, new computers, music-players and phones were successfully launched on the market every day.

How to Practise Empathy?

Loving-kindness Meditation

Do you want to build stronger relationships with your family members and friends? Here are some tips we put together for you.

Self-knowledge: What Meditation Taught Me About Myself

Self-knowledge: What Meditation

Who am I? Do I have a purpose in this lifetime? How do I find what makes me happy? Have you ever asked yourself these questions? Every other month I used to ponder on these subjects. The practice of mindfulness and meditation came as a relief: it gave me hints to who I really am […]

How to Prevent a Conflict thanks to Inner Peace

Peaceful Conversation

World military expenditure in 2012 was estimated to $1756 billion, representing 2.5 per cent of global gross domestic product (GDP) or $249 for each person in the world, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. By end-2013, 51.2 million individuals were forcibly displaced worldwide as a result of persecution, conflict, generalised violence, or human […]

A Quotation & a Letter for a Day

This is a promise to myself and to all the peace seeking friends all around the world. I will wake up tomorrow morning and start this peaceful, joyful journey. My start up quotation is: “if not me, who? if not now, when?”

Meditation Workshops in Ukraine

Imagine your country goes through a severe conflict, economical crisis and collective anxiety that gets so strong you can even smell it in the air. Ask yourself what would you do? Would you run around panicking and contributing to the overall madness or would you be a tiny candle light and little island of peace […]

On the Discipline of Love


When it’s comes to any kind of relationship, we all have something to say. It doesn’t matter how experienced you are, for sure you have some ideas on love and you share them in many different ways. With so much discussions going around this topic, a mindful, realistic and integral perspective is something that is missing.

Are We Still Social?

Are we social?

I am thinking, how social are we nowadays? We share a lot of things on Facebook, we connect through LinkedIn, we post on Twitter. But does all this make us social?


Sunset from Mooktawan Sanctuary, South of Thailand

You say they are of another faith, Another creed, or another race, Incompatible, un-mixable