Body Scan Meditation as Relaxation Technique

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of relaxation? Many of us might imagine a cosy evening in front of the TV or a Sunday afternoon reading a book. Why is relaxation important?

Meditation and Anger Management

Meditation and Anger Management

If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape one hundred days of sorrow. Chinese Proverb When do you usually get angry? Is it when things don’t go as expected? What if you had no previous expectations? Could this be a possibility? Does getting angry change the situation in any way?

New “Addiction” Available For Anyone!


Well, let’s admit, who was not dealing with addictions right after the meditation retreat was over? Addictions of any kind, ready to lure your senses all the time. World is full of them, especially when you live in one of those post-communistic countries.

Goodbye Honey! I Made My Mind Up

“You are bad at alcohol!” a Finnish friend of mine said seeing me sipping Tequila when I was supposed to drink it as a shot. I was 18 at the time, and  my alcohol “skills” were indeed bad.

How to Reduce Anxiety?

Does your wandering mind create anxiety?

Can you recall the last time you felt anxious? What was that related to? How did you feel at that moment? We all go from time to time to short-term anxiety. Is this useful, I would ask? Does being anxious help you better cope with ambiguity and clarity? That is a question for you to […]

Mindfulness and meditation workshops in Budapest, Hungary

In February Peace Revolution, represented by Peace Architect Manuela Puscas, went to beautiful Budapest for the first time. Over 120 people of amazing diversity joined the events, from fifth graders and students to university professors, hypnosis and Gestalt therapists, yoga teachers, economists and other professionals, trainers, social workers and local NGO members.

Practising Empathy: What’s In It For You?

Practising Empathy

How does being empathetic make you feel? Does it come easy to you to resonate with another’s feelings? What is empathy after all? Contemporary researchers differentiate between two types of empathy.

Self-knowledge: What Meditation Taught Me About Myself

Self-knowledge: What Meditation

Who am I? Do I have a purpose in this lifetime? How do I find what makes me happy? Have you ever asked yourself these questions? Every other month I used to ponder on these subjects. The practice of mindfulness and meditation came as a relief: it gave me hints to who I really am […]

How to Prevent a Conflict thanks to Inner Peace

Peaceful Conversation

World military expenditure in 2012 was estimated to $1756 billion, representing 2.5 per cent of global gross domestic product (GDP) or $249 for each person in the world, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. By end-2013, 51.2 million individuals were forcibly displaced worldwide as a result of persecution, conflict, generalised violence, or human […]