These 5 Factors Impact Confidence

A girl smiling amid a pink background

The way you engage with the world affects how the world treats you. Developing a strong sense of self and feeling good about who you are gives you the wherewithal to withstand outside influences and face life on your terms. What are the factors that affect self-confidence, and how can you develop them?  While some […]

What Helping Others Taught Me About My Life

be your own hero

I don’t like the word philanthropy. I really don’t. Maybe this word for me responds to the fact that I despise what I don’t understand (and I am pretty sure it stops here).  What is really philanthropy? I am lucky enough to speak Greek, so I can understand the two words that create this word. […]

Low Self-Esteem: A Handicap to our Mind’s Stillness?

Self-esteem is a healthy state of mind, whereby we value the person we are and the activities that we do; we cherish and positively view ourselves as normal and capable. It confers a good self-image and allows to lead a happy life, free from self-blame and hate or feeling of anger and frustration about who […]