7 Ways Yoga Can Help You Do Better at College
Anyone who has even been to college can confidently say that they had been under a lot of stress with all the exams and the constant responsibilities. Keeping up with everything can be pretty tough on just about anyone and there are very few ways which can help you cope with the anxiety. Yoga has […]
7 Life Improving Benefits of Yoga
The ancient science of yoga which traces its roots back to India is as popular in the Western world as it is in the East. The reason is not just a way of improving your health but also a way of bringing inner peace by controlling the mind. Apart from the body exercises, the inclusion […]
Creating The Perfect Healthy Vegan Diet
With vegan diets becoming more and more the healthy alternative to the meat eating mainstream, health-conscious eaters are looking at how to make meat and dairy-free products a part of their daily lives without missing out on nutritional necessities. Whether you want to lose weight or help control your blood sugar, the vegan diet has […]
Resoluciones de Año Nuevo
¿Te has encontrado alguna vez postergando las metas y resoluciones de año nuevo para el próximo? Esto se debe, a que muchas veces no nos tomamos el tiempo necesario para realizar todo el proceso que implica establecer nuevas misiones y crear nuevos hábitos para lograr los objetivos del año que comienza. En este artículo te […]
What are the Benefits of Yoga for Anxiety?
Anxiety is caused by different external factors. It can be a result of stress from work and school. Your marriage or relationship can also contribute to this condition. For people who are sick and are expected to take medication, this can also be one of the side effects. Anxiety may not be considered as a […]
Seven Steps For A Yogi Path
There’s a lot of confusion about yoga these days. For many, it’s just a brand to market their products, or a tool used in social media as a way to get thousands of likes and followers. However, yoga is not only about a perfect headstand pose, or holding your leg behind your neck. The asana […]
Tips for a More Mindful Pregnancy
There’s a saying that giving birth is the most creative aspect of life. By giving birth, people create new beings and that is undoubtedly one of the greatest and hardest decisions one can make. Women have been involved in pregnancy since the beginning of life. In the past, it was simply one of the jobs […]
5 Things That Change When You Practice Yoga
Mindfulness, self-development and mental well-being are all intricately woven together into a web that guarantees internal peace. In fact, the self-development industry is thriving with a net worth of $11 billion and is forecasted to grow by 5% annually. Each year $500 million is spent on personal development products. Likewise, mindfulness has gained traction. 8% […]
Excusas Para no Alcanzar tus Sueños
A veces la curiosidad no es suficiente para crear nuevos hábitos o alcanzar tus objetivos y sueños. Nos llenamos de excusas, las cuales, probablemente solo sean una forma disfrazada de nuestros temores o simplemente estar en una zona muy segura de tu vida. Pero, ¿Qué podemos hacer para salir de nuestra zona de confort y […]
Morning Rituals To Start Your Day
Have you ever felt anxious in the morning? Have you woken up in a rush, and started hurrying from the very first minute of the day? How about changing your morning habits to allow yourself enjoy the mornings and feel grounded for the day to come? Welcome to morning rituals!